How, you may ask, did the idea for a travel design business come about in the middle of a global pandemic when no one was really traveling? Well, that’s a funny story. In late spring of 2021 (when vaccines were coming out & the thought of normalcy seemed to be right around the corner, ha joke was on us lol) – I had just gotten back from a trip to Mexico & was thinking about what travel would be next on my list. Planning for trips thoroughly brings me joy & in that particular time in my life I needed things that brought me joy because my husband & I were definitely in limbo and I truly just needed to dive into things that made me happy. Planning activities, reading reviews & travel blogs, & stalking travel influencers were my happy place. People that I have traveled with in the past always commented on my trip designing but I truly didn’t think of it as much more than a hobby. I honestly don’t know what went off in my mind to think ‘hey, should this be a business?’ but one day in early June as I was planning a fun Charlotte getaway I started thinking hmmm should I try this out? I do not have a business savvy mind at all but knew that this idea could really go places (hehe pun). I knew at this point that I needed a partner. I need somebody to talk things out with and brainstorm and fill in the holes where I was lacking. There was no other contender in my mind than my type A better half, Melissa. No one loves organization, spreadsheets, & research like she & I do. June 9th 2021 I took a leap & texted Mel my idea and just waited…. (see text below). Her immediate yes told me that this was a good idea because oh did I mention, at that time she had a toddler at home AND was 8 months pregnant hahaha. I knew that if she was on board in these conditions then this was going to be a win! With Mel about to pop and my husband & I in the thick of fertility testing & appointments, the timing was not ideal to say the least BUT Mel & I jumped right in and planned to do as much as we could before baby Newman made his debut. We knew that we did not want to do things half assed. I mean duh, we are ‘Type A’, so we wanted all the things in place before we put anything out there for anyone to see. From June to December there were lots of behind the scenes meetings, forms, planning, etc. but here we are…. Ready to share what we love doing with the world! We love to plan, you’ll love your trip!